How to Build a Six-Figure Business

A six-figure business can sound impossible when you are sat waiting for clients to book in or your phone to 'Ca-Ching!' with that illusive sale, but what it if was easier then you think to generate six-figures in a year?

Whilst it won't come without hard work, the good news is that it is more than possible, and depending on your sector, you may not even need much start up capital.

how to build a six -figure business uk

Whether you want to run a hair extensions fitting business from a chair rental, your own premises or mobile, or you want to make and sell your own cosmetic products, handmade hair accessories such as scrunchies or offer training in an area you are qualified, then it's all possible when you work out the numbers and create yourself a plan.

A services business such as hair extension fitting services simply requires the initial training and your time to practice your skills to get them to a level whereby you can take clients, then it's a matter of how many people you can accommodate in your working hours that cap your income.  You also have the options to add value in different ways to set the price at a level you need.

With handmade product businesses such as cosmetics or scrunchies, you have the option to offer wholesale to generate larger orders, and decide on your market level to set your prices.  Are you affordable, mid-range or luxury?  If you've done your numbers, you can work out how much you need to be making each day to achieve your goals and then work backwards based on the type of brand you want to be.

Start-up capital can start small and build up as you sell, re-investing your profits to grow.

In our FREE eBook, we guide you through getting started and growing your business so that you achieve your six-figure or even multi-six figure goals. 

You can download our free eBook HERE

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